
Nuevos Ataques DoS en Redes Inalámbricas

Nuevos tipos de ataque de denegación de servicio o también llamado ataque DoS (Denial of Service) ponen en peligro la seguridad en las redes inalambricas.

1. Signaling DOS
This attack leverages active mobile sessions in the network. It involves sending small amounts of data to re-initiate a session after it has been released. The low-volume attack can create congestion at the radio network controller (RNC). Overload of the RNC results in a denial of service for the subscriber.

2. Battery Drain
This attack also leverages active mobile sessions in the network. It sends packets to a mobile device to prevent the device from going into sleep mode. The attack can involve as little as sending 40 bytes every 10 seconds. This attack wastes radio resources and drains mobile batteries.

3. Peer-to-Peer Applications
Bell Labs found that one subscriber's excessive use of peer-to-peer Web sites was affecting the performance of a North American carrier's 3G network. The subscriber uploaded 1GB and downloaded 3.5GB communicating with 5,000 eDonkey and 37,000 Gnutella sites.

4. Malfunctioning Air Card
The same North American 3G carrier experienced DOS overloads due to a malfunctioning air card. Bell Labs says it took several man-months of effort to identify the rogue device.

5. Excessive Port Scanning
Bell Labs also noted that the same wireless carrier experienced significant wasted air resources from worms and port scans. Bell Labs noted that worms were targeting ports 135, 137, 139, 1026 and 5900.

El articulo completo lo puedes encontrar en el siguiente enlace.
New DOS attacks threaten wireless data networks

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